Many thanks for your kind compliments! I really appreciate them!
GeneK, I've never heard of such SS order. "pj" painted every color following the box art of this kit including camo scheme. As for painting technique, this is what he replied to an earlier thread named " Captive 2P, Soldier, Injury & Nurse and A Hero's Welcome" (all 1:35 resin kits). I think he used the same technique with this bust:
Answer by "pj": I spray Mr.Color paint (thinner formula) in part of skin and uniform colors. As for the details of color, for example (1) human flesh color, use color #51 mixed with a little clear orange to spray, then use green color to spray moustache and beard (this requires some expertise in using airbrush because of tiny parts... I use magnifying glass all the time), there may be some overspray mist of green... but if it's a good airbrush there'll be little of that, my airbrush is a double-action and its needle cone cover somewhat distorted... then use color #51 mixed with clear orange to spray over the oversprayed green area, or use lighter shade of green... then follow by red color mixed very thinly, spray over the cheeks
(2).. Use paint (Enamel formula) Tamiya's X-20 mixed with flesh color but make it a bit darker and paint by hand, this will make the details of model clearer and have some dimension because the paint will fill in the recessed area (3).. then work on eyebrows and eyes. As for uniform, e.g., German soldier, spray green color first ---> then use Winsor & Newton oil paints Green & Black color mixed, and paint by hand so that it fill up the recessed areas. If it fill too much then use a brush soaked with Enamel X-20 to wipe it out. When dried, then use green color mixed to have lighter shade of green to drybrush it (use a brush, cut its hair to have even end, dip into the paint and rub with paper so that the paint on the brush is mostly removed, not wet, then rub lightly on the model body, making some dimension on it, then work on the details of model itself another time."