For figurines have a look at Verlinden or Andreas Minatures(??).
Alternatively you could let her paint a few wargaming figures aka Games Workshop or similar.
Most figurines seem to be either cast in white metal or resin, there are plastic and vinyl kits too, but ,IMHO, not suited for a beginner. Stay away from cold-casts or similar for now.
Cast figures often have few parts and don't need that much cleanup prior to assembly.
What you will need is a good primer, 2 part epoxy glue, 2 part epoxy putty and a selection of basic paint colours liquitex, golden or similar acrylics will work well.
In Figure painting most colours are mixed to match and than darkened or lightened for shading and dry-brushing.
Technique wise pretty much the same as any other form of modelling, with the exception that you often have hard to reach places and thus need more masking.
Also the larger you go in scale the better/flawless your finish/paintjob has to be.