Ok. I hear talk of warhammer, warhammer 40.000k, Two towers and lord of the rings. Much talk. So, what be these ..........modelling games. How may I ....come to find where they play these. Now that I'm done talking all goofy (to fit the subject,lol), why when I went to the site do they have specific paints for each figure, etc. I've spent a good 60 bucks on tamiyas load of paint in the last 6 months. i want to start this game, but 40 bucks plus things for scenery, plus more guys.......
all of th paints. well, i havent even played the game i just wanted to know how it is. I already have a battle of teh buldge vignette, apocalypse now shadow box, lvcp diorama, ..............i wont have time anyway to do them.
1)how long do they take to make.
2)about how much am i investing?
3)where do they play
4)is it fun, really from all prespectives...i like modelling, lotr, and games, but is it really involving and less like a game where "oh my guy does super black magic burny thing on your guy you lose 34 hp and i used 45 of my white magic counters" or is it a good"my guy hits your jugular, your dead."
all info welcome