Group Builds are just that. A group builds a given catagory subject. For instance a Panzer Group Build would be everyone volunteers to build a variant of Panzer. Over the duration of the build you share info, tips, ideas, results, commiserate failures and just build with a sense of community. Another example would be the D-Day Group Build. Everyone builds a a subject that would have particpated in the invasion of the Normandy Beaches. German, Allied, Airplane, Ship, figures, etc. It serves more as an inspiration to build something of a common subject and to fire up the creative juices so to speak. Usually the person that calls dibs on the GB may coordinate everyones builds so that there is a theme, certain parameters (say out of box or variants) and a schedule. Sort of a communal build with the forum as the clubhouse. Usually a deadline is set (to keep everyone focused and to keep them motivated to work on their build, but also so there is something to look forward to allow everyone to post their finshed entires in the build. There is no model police force that comes toy our house and arrests you for not completeing the build nor are you subject to scorn and ridicule if you don't finish. Its just a sort of rallying pint for those interested in a build and looking for some motivation. They are usually pretty fun and its helpful when you see others inputs on the kits they are working on. ort of a preview to help you decide if you want ot try out someone elses kit of that build type and the problems or pitfalls of that manufacturer.
Have fun and enjoy it.
Welcome Ladyeyes. Hope you enjoy the forum. Good bunch of nobs here. And very helpful.
"Imagination is the dye that colors our lives"
Marcus Aurellius
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"