I saw it on the armor thread and liked it.
My personal preference is I like to exagerate the details a bit. Add highlights to the edge of pockets, collars, cuffs, that sort of thing. Even black uniforms are not solid black when you view them. I use a dark, almost black, blue for the base or mid color. Shadows get straight black and highlights get a lightened version of the mid color. I also tend to "outline" things like hems, seams, the lower side of belts etc. with a dark color. A dark wash on the leather bag and binoculars would have made the detail pop as well as some drybrushing on the highlights. Same on the edges of the belting, straps and shoes. Shading where straps pass through buckles or under other equipment. I also tend to like to alter the shades of just a smidge. i.e. give the pants a little, sometimes almost minute difference from the tunic or jacket. It just that little bit that gives the figure an overall look that is more real for me.
On things like hair, if there is detail sculpted in, highlight it with some drybrushing. If not, paint your base color, and then go in with some drybrushng and "streak" some highlights.
Give him a real base. Not that plain old piece of plastic card stock that Tamiya threw in there. He's a work of art man, display him like one.
(Mind you Erock these are my personal preferences and I am not detracting from your piece at all. I like what you've done. I think your work is superb for having just tried acrylics for the first time. They are tough to work with sometimes and for this being your first project......zowie!)
Well done sir. Lets see more! Whats next?
"Imagination is the dye that colors our lives"
Marcus Aurellius
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"