Figure looks great. Especially the leather. Gotta be honest though
about the WS shrubbery. I'm not a huge fan of it for figures, though it
doesn't look horrible in the pic. Simple and to the point. The thing
is, it usually looks exactly like what it is when used around figures,
so I stay away from it. I'm not a fan of it in dioramas either. You
can't lose with static grass, and if that's too small, there's always
unravelled hemp rope. You can trim it to whatever length you want.
Also, I would consider shooting for a larger chunk of material for your
base as well. Something you can hold on to and also mount a plaque.
Both Bill Horan and Shepard Paine stress, in their respective books on
building and painting figures, that people should spend as much effort
on their bases as they do on their figures. To tell the truth though, I
still have a ways to go there myself, so take my critique regarding the
base with due grain of salt.