Not bad at all! I noticed your face is also a bit shiny though and the highlights are a bit too pronounced. You should try and paint the face in a succession of thin washes of colour using artists acrylics. This way you layer the colour to give it more depth which will also aid in blending the shadow areas and highlighted areas. Your shadow tones should be a slightly darker shade than your base coat with your highlights being slightly lighter. At all times use your base colour, to darken for shadows add small amounts of burnt umber or burnt sienna depending on how dark your shadow areas are, to lighten for highlights add some titanium buff or naples yellow. Never add white as it gives a chalky appearance. Your shodow areas should be applied in thinned out washes while your highlights can be softly dry brushed on. To flatten the glossed out look, Games Workshop Citadel Colours make an excellentmatt varnish that can be thinned out and applied in washes until you are happy with your finish for example you could give three or four washes to the trousers that will really deaden the colour and get rid of all the shine, whereas you could apply perhaps two washes to the jacket which would get rid of the high gloss but still leave it with a satin look to it.
All in all a neat paint job on your figure. Keep it up and you will see yourself improve with every figure. You should try out a few of Andrea's figures as the quality of the castings are much better than any of the plastic injection moulded figures on the market.
Good Job
Work, work, work! You gotta put models on the table somehow!