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1/72 Caesar - "German Infantry with Winter Gear" (Waffen SS camo) img + review

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  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, November 25, 2006 9:13 AM

Cheers Cristian, but the C-P Models range is now only available pre-painted, not as bare metal castings anymore!

The TQD CASTINGs mini's on the other hand are still available unpainted and you be happy to note that they are true 1/72 scale and comparable to ceasar and Revell.

 Very good painting cristian 8)



  • Member since
    April 2006
  • From: Romania
Posted by Panzer_Grenadire on Saturday, November 25, 2006 6:38 AM

Thank you all very much, I am really happy that you like them. Tomorrow I am going to post the Italeri/Revell set "German Elite Troops" and I hope you will enjoy those, too.

I have to say that I like the Germans from CP Models, I saw them on the site. I also like a lot their painting, it is very well done.

I do not have any set from CP Models, but I am a collector of 1/72 German Army sets, so I want to know if they are 1/72 or 1/76 (I know that in general in UK most are 1/76). Anoteher question is if their size of gear, weapons and bodies fit the Pegasus, Revell, Caesar sets on German Army.

Maybe the ones at 28 mm fit those sets?

 Thank you very much.

Cristian Florescu (Panzer_Grenadire)

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 23, 2006 12:13 PM

Very cool painting, very vivid and great contrasts 8)

 Well done :)

 Plastics and some metal of course, can have problems casting small weapons in 1/72 scale, I cast and quite often you reject easily 20% of castings because weapons don't form properly.......:(

 Be great to see the next 1/72 scale paint job you do 8)


  • Member since
    August 2006
  • From: The Green "Mountains", Vermont
Posted by IanIsBored2000 on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5:15 PM
1/72?!?! I thought they were 1/35 at first glance! the figures I do are twice as big and still dont have that much detail!  The only thing I would point out is that the guns look like they arent molded to well, their kind of "blobby".  Not your fault at all, just thought in the fuure you could find higher dtailed ones maybe, i dont know much about 1/72 figures though.  Again very nice job!
"Scanlon: work your knobby hands on the table in front of you, constructing a make-beleive bomb to blow up a make-beleive world."
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Monday, November 20, 2006 4:34 PM
nice figures. thanks for the winter camo info. i needed it.
  • Member since
    December 2002
  • From: Massachusetts
Posted by ajlafleche on Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:56 PM

Please make life easier for your viewer/readers. In Photobucket, if you copy the bottom option, "IMG" you can post the picture directly into the forum. The code you've used is to place the picture in  web page. That or simply put a link up to the album you want us to see by copying the address in your address bar and dropping in your post.


Remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

  • Member since
    April 2006
  • From: Romania
1/72 Caesar - "German Infantry with Winter Gear" (Waffen SS camo) img + review
Posted by Panzer_Grenadire on Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:22 PM

This is 1/72 Caesar's Set "German Infantry with Winter Gear" images +review. The figures wear two Waffen SS camo paterns, namely dot pea and oak leaf (spring/summer and autumn/winter colours).
The figures were painted with Humbrol. Weather and washed with oils and Humbrol matt earth.
Hope you like both the soldiers and the review.



Manufacturer Caesar
Scale 1/72
Set Code H005
Year 2005
No. of Figures 42
No. of Poses 12
Aspect Tall
Material Soft Plastic
Optimal Period 1942 -1945



As in the first set entitled „German Infantry (Late War)", and in the second set addressed to the German Army in WWII, Caesar has tried to treat a subject not so often met at 1/72. It is about „German Infantry with Winter Gear", where all the soldiers are dressed in winter uniform, but unlike the previous produced set, soldiers dressed in a similar uniform are more frequent in various 1/72 soft plastic offers such as Revell, „German Infantry", Pegasus Hobbies „Germans in Berlin 1945" and Italeri/Revell „German Elite Troops".

Regarding the type of the winter uniform pictured here, this was reversible, white on one and on the other side it was mouse grey in the first part of the war or camouflage latter on.

Due to the thickness of the uniforms, the set features the great advantage that the figures can be used not only in winter, but also in warmer seasons, painted in Wehrmacht or Waffen SS camo schemes. 

As it was mentioned above, all the soldiers are dressed in winter uniform, namely pants, parkas and short boots. In addition, all wear the steel helmets and even if all have the hoods, just one figure wears it over the helmet.

The soldiers are relative well equipped, all have the „Y" suspenders and almost all of them carry the gas mask container, canister, mess tin, but just one has the shovel.

With reference to the ammo pouches, all the figures have the right ones, according to the weapon that he uses, but also all are in the right number. Furthermore, those for Kar 98K are one of the best in soft plastic at 1/72.

The weapons carried by the soldiers are standard and do not vary to much, consisting in six Kar 98K, five MP40 and a MG 42.

The poses are realistic and well realized, ten soldiers are standing and two are crouching. They are quite dynamic and even though they are quite similar to the poses from other sets, they have a special charm conferred both by the worn uniform and the high quality of details.

Among the special poses can be mentioned the one of the crouching soldier that fires in one side, the one of the soldier that loads his Kar 98K and the one that calls his comrades.

As it is well-known, the sets at 1/72 referring to the German Army usually include one or two soldiers armed with MG34 or MG42. The present set does not diverge from the rule, but the gunner deserves a special attention due to the fact that he stands in an unique position met in the soft plastic sets from this scale. The soldier stands and fires just like with a rifle with a MG42 to which is attached the 50 rounds charger. It is a very rare situation met in reference materials, but still there are some such pictures. It is not impossible, but not recommended because the recoil of this type of weapon, which was actually less comparing with the MG34 recoil.

Inside the box there is a soldier where is difficult to say if he prepares to throw a grenade or just hold it, preparing to do something else with it. In case that he wants to throw it, the pose is not pretty convincing.

In addition, the officer pose is a little different than the ones encountered in other sets. Like in reality, his equipment does not vary too much than the troops, the binoculars being the only item that betrays him. Moreover, taking into account that the pistol holster is missing, the figure can represent even a NCO.

The uniforms and the rest of details are very well realized, in conformity with the reality, among others being visible the hood stings as well other minor details.

The bodies are well proportioned and the facial expressions are tremendously realistic and well sculptured.

At the firs view, a small problem is raised by some hands dimensions, those being quite big. However, it must be taken into consideration that the set refers mainly to troops equipped with winter gear, which obliviously include and gloves. This fact is enhanced by some details that the sculptor reproduced at the wrists. Based on the size of the gloves present here, it is recommended to be imitated as being made of leather or wool and not of camouflage, such model being longer, almost till the elbow. To at least four figures it is necessary to reproduce this gear element, the rest of soldiers having hands situated in normal limits.

In the same time, there are no differences between the size of weapons and gear between different poses, the M40 being excellent. It must be remarked the fact that the weapons from Caesar are slightly bigger than the ones encountered in similar sets from other companies. On the other hand, it should be stressed that the difference is almost indistinguishable and the weapons do not contrast.

Furthermore, it is one of the few sets of soft and hard plastic where the flash is non existent, so a very recommended set to those which want to avoid the unpleasant operation of removing the flash.

This plastic accepts very well the paint, but it has the tendency to give a gloss aspect to any paint. For this reason, in order to have a matt appearance, it has to be added in more layers as usual.

Another interesting point is that in addition to the twelve regular poses there is a kind of jolly joker, namely a soldier almost identical with the one that fires with MP40 from crouching. Their equipment is the same, the only difference resting in the fact that it fires a little upper than do the other three figures from this pose. The same issue can be seen in the other set related to German Army from Caesar, where a soldier is a little different than the rest of those in that pose. In order that the difference between the poses to be more evident, it is advisable to be brought some modifications such as the head replacement or gluing or removing some gear elements.   

As it was specified before, there are more soft plastic sets at 1/72 which features figures dressed in various winter uniforms. Such sets are Revell  "WWII German Infantry" and Italeri/Revell "German Elite Troops". A difference between those and the set from Caesar rests in the fact that here, all the soldiers wear the same type of uniform.

Moreover, the figures from "German Infantry with Winter Gear" are perfectely compatible by size, dimension and camo uniform with Italeri "German Elite Troops", Revell "German Infantry", Pegasus Hobbies "Waffen SS - Set 1", Esci "Nebelwerfer 41" and Preiser "WWII German Pak40 Crew", those sets completing each other and the size of the soldiers, as well of the weapons and gear are pretty close.  

The fact that are dressed with a uniform allowing to be painted in white, mouse gray or Wehrmacht or Waffen SS camo patterns represent a real advantage of this set.  

It must be stressed that these figures impress due to the great number and quality of details, this being a characteristic feature of Caesar, at least at sets concerning the German Army.

It can not be omitted the fact that in a 2006 survey "German Infantry with Winter Gear" reached the first position in the top of 1/72 soft plastic sets on German Army in WWII troops. 

Historical Accuarcy: 10
Anatomy: 10
Poses Quality: 10
Details Quality: 10
Mould Quality: 10
Sculpture: 10
Recommendation/Utility: 10


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