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A bit of SAS fun, Edit 14/09 new pics added

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    November 2005
A bit of SAS fun, Edit 14/09 new pics added
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 7, 2003 7:15 AM
Been itchin' to try my hand at a modern figure for some time now. Not through any grand plan I've ended up starting with Colin from Dragon in 1/6th scale. I've just applied my usual techniques to this figure, though I did try out putting a very small amount of light pink/grey/flesh-tint mixed oil paint wash in the corner of the eyes which I think worked a treat. Did do a fair bit of roughing up of the uniform and ground in heaps of dirt/muck.

Colin has all sorts of neat gear, (Makes a change from German Y-straps & bread bags.) but I still haven't figured out how to strap on his cool knife sheath or which pouch the water bottle goes in.

Still need to get some SAS graphics and glossy photo paper to make a nameplate and to fix up the M16. Does anyone know an easy way to make a sling for a M16? Also does anyone have any tips for weathering modern weapons? Modern weapons seem to 'wear' differently than your standard WWII weapon. I just had a thought, I usually 'name' my figures on a nameplate which discribes the figure but knowing how the SAS is with names should I leave it blank or use a call sign?

I'm sure this won't be the last modern figure I add to my collection. Tell me what you think, have I made any howling mistakes?

Thanks for looking.
Edited 14/09/03
Finished him the other day and put him on a new kind of stand. Hope you like.

  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 7, 2003 8:11 AM

ive got a few Dragon 1/6th modern and WW2, they are great arnt they, the Modern Rangers are good and the Modern SF Sniper has a good face
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 7, 2003 11:05 AM
Wow... hey this looks cool. Could be just my monitor settings, but the flesh tones look a bit pale (remember these guys are out in the elements). At this scale too you might want to try adding veins to the back of the hand - you have readily available reference for this - just look at your own hand and you'll notice a definite pattern there. Again, great job!
  • Member since
    November 2005
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, September 7, 2003 2:37 PM
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