The carbon impregnated cammo uniform was for general issue, the German high command was fully aware that the Brtish Army had an IR view finder in production, (tabby) by 1939 and that the US Army was begining to use superscope, so the German Army needed a camouflage uniform that would protect the wearer from night fighting weapons.
Unfortunately for them, the uniforms were expensive to manufacture and the materials to make them difficult to come by so it was never universally issued, but again it was not an exclusive Waffen SS uniform or exclusive to night fighting panzergrenadiers either.
The M43, (you call it the M45) helmet was issued in small numbers during WWII! The ballistics on this helmet were very good.
Its really worth investiagting this interesting subject further, you'd be amazed about what weapons were available.........and not fantasy!
stuart :) :D