the only question that is stupid is the one that isnt asked. Verlinden's B17 crewman is a great fig and a good choice. I use epoxy and superglue both to work on figures, but after bouncing them all over the place going to contests, I now pin them together with wire as well as using five minute epoxy. Drill a hole in the shoulders and neck and use wire or even a paper clip to mount the parts. This small step will save you pain and frustrationlater on.
Ok, heres a new twist that i recently got turned on to and Im using it extensively. Mix medium superglue (usually the green top) with baby powder, about 2:1 or so to make a rather thick paste the consistancy of toothpaste. This will dry in about ten minutes. I now use it extensively for filling pinholes and it still holds very well as an adhesive. It is sandable within a few mintues after drying to a very fine surface. You will not be able to sculpt regular five minute epoxy in the manner you describe. You will want a two part putty based epoxy, either GW workshop green stuff or my personal favorite (and really easy to work with) magicsculp from TAPPlastics
Knead a ball up, lay it on where you want it, and using an almost dry paintbrush smooth it on in place. I replaced an ear recently on a large scale figure that was knocked off and it came out great.
For flesh, I would get some basic vallejo acrylics and begin working there. I worked with oils per Shep's books for years, starting with 80MM girls, but now with acrylic gaming paint ( I use Reaper miniatures paint from the gaming shop, awesome stuff!) Im able to knock out skin tones quickly. Other options would include using Model Master fleshtones avialalbe on the extended model master paint rack. I just repainted a figure this weekend and she came out great airbrushing these paints.
Build to please yourself, and don't worry about what others think!
TI 4019 Jolly Roger Squadron, 501st Legion