If possible, buy the wood prodcuts locally as you will not run into certain problems with endangered species regulations. There have been changes in CITES regulations in the last year. True Mahogany (Swietena macrophylla) also called Big Leaf or Caribbean is now covered by CITES II regulations. That means that international trade of wood products made from it will require cetification, this includes from Canada. Philippine (Shorea) and African (Khaya) mahoganies are not true mahoganies and are not effected by this.
Other woods to watch out for are Ramin and Brazilian Rosewood.
I deal with this at work all the time.
Mike T.
Beware the hobby that eats. - Ben Franklin
Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out. - Ben Franklin
The U.S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself. - Ben Franklin