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WIP - 1/8 Kaiyodo Kamenrider (Soft vinyl)

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  • From: Down Under
WIP - 1/8 Kaiyodo Kamenrider (Soft vinyl)
Posted by dj898 on Tuesday, December 11, 2007 12:18 AM

Before I tackle 1/12 Kamenrider #2 resin kit I thought why not tried the colour scheme on the old Kaiyodo soft vinyl kit I have on the shelf for a while. I did some basic priming and then put 'em aside for future project.

This is originally intended for Kamenrider #1 but I decided to paint it as new  #2 'coz I like its red gloves and boots. ^ ^

Here's the picture where I left these before packed 'em away.

And here is the lower section after initial painting.
I used black - had to use semi glossy black as I ran out of flat back - and the dark grey as the high light. Will do some dry brushing to pick up the details at later stage.

And here's what it looks like minus its head and no top coat as yet...
As you can see I haven't done the silver bit and thinking of trying Alcald II silver I picked up recently.
By the this one was taken under Daylight globe so the colour is close to what it really is.

people living in glass colonies shouldn't throw nuclear stones.

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