Sorry guys for the pics,
I can't get any close-ups with the lens I have on this camera. My daughter borrowed my other camera and hasn't returned it yet. I did add some more shading but it ended up being more of a wash because the paint on the faces had dried. It didn't blend very well. I thought they needed more shading but my other attempts ended up looking like they feasted on a box of chocolates? So I figured less is best. I'll give it another go when I get another set of figures and my camera back. Hope I can get it right before I run out of paint.
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1..,2..,3..,... Do the Shuffle,
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I do have a question, "Do you assemble the entire figure,w/equipment, then paint?" I didn't on these. I thought it would be easier to paint them first.
Here are some of the closeups.
Doug1, I did figures with oils way back when I was 16 or so, but I've been out of the loop(or just plain looped) for nearly 25/30 yrs. Porbably more like 25, I built the occasional aircraft for my son, That was about it. Since getting back in the saddle I've built these 4 and like I said earlier, the others. Most of my projects do not have figures. I felt that I needed to get back into the figures to truely enjoy all that this wonderful and amazing hobby has to offer. Well another aspect of this hobby is the photography. It's a new lens so please be gentle on the photographer, if I dare to call myself that. Oh did I mention that this is not the camera my daughter borrowed, I mean, I gave to her, against my will. Hopefully she'll take better photo's than I do.
This guy had a mishap when I tried to add shading and an oil wash resulted, and because he was painted in oils his flesh started moving around, sorta like Joan Rivers face. A lot of the oil paint lifted off and I was left with the base Vallejo. I tried painting him with the Vallejo's and they layed real smooth, smooth as a shaved peach. I'm wanting to try the Vallejo' on a fresh project rather than an attempted save, but I got this new lens and wanted to see how the pics turn out.
This guy is still in oils. Dougums, I should have known better to assembled the figures w/equipment first. I filed all the items and checked the fit, but everyone knows what happens when you try to use plastic cement over paint. It ended up being an experience I care not to repeat. I regard instructions in a different manner than most do, I feel they're more of a guideline. Given the chance to circumvent a step, I AM THERE! Never mind the reports of Icebergs, Fire that 4th boiler and FULL STEAM AHEAD! I've been dodging Iceburgs since.
One thing I can see from all these close ups is that I've got A LOT OF TOUCH UP! The lens that I was using would not get close ups, period.
The entire time I shot these picks I kept being pesterd by a fly. I have no idea how he got in here. He was drawn to my work lights. The troopers were sent into a coordinated anti aircraft defense,
This is the MG34 that came with the DML infantry set. The rear sight was molded in the up position, I set it in the spray position! They tried their best to down that enemy buzz bomber, even the fly swater missed.
but then they lost the target....... EGADS!!!
This trooper must have lead the attack on the low countries and had a wild time in Amsterdam! He's still got a buzz going on there.
I guess they really do look like poo, just ask the fly. Fooled him
I'm now being dive bombed by a moth. I think I better check the screens!
Best Regards,