Still; Working on the Rio.
This ship has to be the most agrravating, most rewarding model of any material I have ever built. There's so many parts that have to be made ( Folded, Rolled, etc. ) Then there's the stuff I decided to remake to make her more realistic. That created the backlog for sure.
Now that said, I have to remind you that without the pattern page for the piping equipment the Rio has five hefty pages with over 700 parts on them. My re-build of many of these things has increased the time factor. It's still fun though. Lookit that! I was able to do that! ,That kinda thing
But, you know what? I really don't care! This and the Doria and Stockholm have only been interrupted by the Board Meetings at the R.R. Museum and daily activities that we all do. Plus, I take a break every now and then to work on the " What-If" TreibFlugel( Sorry no Umlat) Aircraft!
Yesterday I spent most of six hours putting 1/400 Brass P.E. Rails on her. Interesting chore that. With my shaking I had to really come up with inventive ways of holding my tweezers!But, it looksd great. Well, more later.