right! this was going to the follow up of the previous WIP but I did managed to find the Revell's Merkava Mk-III kit finally. This means what work I've done with Challenger kit will be scrapped and I would start all over again using Merkava kit. _ _;
Firstly the front section of Merkava's turret is very narrow leaving no room for twin cannon. Therefore, I had to cut out the front section completely and attached shrinked Challenger turret's front section.
Also test fitted the side skirt that I made for Challenger. Luckily it fits fine with any work...
To avoid building wheels and what not from Revell kit and also I like Dragon kit's wheels better. So I decided to use the base from Challenger and top from Merkava. Obviously they were not designed to be coexisted together so usual modification was called for. Basically what I did was putting the rear as well as front lower section from Merkava and used them to hide the Challenger undercarriage.
finally I pre-assembled to see how it would look like...
and what I saw I liked it~
people living in glass colonies shouldn't throw nuclear stones.