Hi Again Sumpter,
I see you took me at my word and thank you. I think some of your points have been dealt with in the latest photo batch of last nights work, but heres some off my reasoning behind work so far.
The Cane
I actually use a walking stick myself due to a damaged ankle and agree that the posture here isn`t perfect. The main problem is that the `hips` on the model are nowhere near the shoulders and the normal up and down line of support won`t work in this situation. I now have both `hands` gripping the crutch trying to suggest that the good leg takes a step and the arms support the body as the damaged leg as lifted and moved forward. On the dio` I intend to show the left leg leaving a dragged trail mark in the ground and perhaps this visual aid maybe a discriptive help, along with wires and ammo belt scraps dragging along from the gun trailing in the direction of travel.
I intend to add these after the bulk of painting and masking is done, These tend to be a weak link even in real life, and in battle would certanly be easily damaged. I had thought of using some fine flexible tubing with a fusewire or solder core to hold the shape, and wrapping some fine wire arround the outside in a tight spiral to suggest reinforcement. Perhaps a search on the internet for mechcanical diggers etc might reveal some insights.
These are just tubes over florists wire fingers and I`ve now added some linkage to the back of the hands and some acrylic over the joints and knuckles to give a bit of detail, wether I`m happy with this after painting is yet yo be seen. The main design idea behind the hands is that I didn`t want the linkage to be exposed to the elements, mud etc so the idea is some form of rubber glove over the whole works with the internals showing through the outer skin in relief, and the idea of representing tears in the skin ala Terminator is also an idea I`m thinking of including, but I don`t want to `humanise` the design to much. The idea of walking mechanical wounded is new enough to me as it is.
Best of luck with the digital camo`, I`ve heard it can be a bit of a nightmare and thanks again for the input.
Cheers Gary
When we come into this world we are born with nothing, and I`ve still got most of it left