I always carefully shave them down w/ a a sharp exacto knife first. Then I do different things depending on the build.
For my Luna Pawn, I looked at Apollo Lunar EVA suits for inspiration. I super-glued thin overlapping strips (made from cigarette rolling papers) horizontally over the areas, from bottom to top, leaving a folded over seam on the inside of the limb. Looks just like kevlar fabric.
For my AFS Mk II, I just stippled on Mr. Surfacer 500 to give them a fabric texture, and to smooth over the seam.
For my Polars, I'm doing as PLU1 suggests, connecting the limbs w/ .090 soldering wire, then filling the gaps w/ Aves and sculpting the joint covers. I'm doing a vignette w/ them, and I need them to be a little more flexible than they are.