I dunno what to tell you guys, it was bound to happen. I have finally finished a kit, completly (I didnt want to add decals)
semi step by step wip, there are 44 pics in the photo bucket, its the last link on the page.
Here is the first thing I did, I started on the feet and the head, fixing seams and preppeing
face painted
I did some modifications. Instead of using the pieces that come with the kit, the vinyl tubes, I decided to go with some copper wire I have. I drilled a hole into the Part on the hip and slide the tube into it for better bracing, then I made sure the hole was gone with putty so there was no gap between the wire and the piece.
Ok, the head is now finished and painte, the helm is almost.
Chest piece started, Getting ready for the stripe.
Ok, now here is where I broke my brain and went alittle nuts. I wanted a cast iron textured, kind of look, so what I did was I put a bit of putty into this lid, the put a bit of laquer thinner in with it. I mixed it up untill it was nice and like you see. From there I dabbed my brush in, straight down, then put it onto the kit just like that, in dabs. Besides the parts you see here, I put a base coat on the rest before doing it and after, with lichtgrau.
After I did that, and put the Base coat overtop of the putty texture I painted it, took many coats to get the thick dark color I wanted. The red is Tamiya 'Hull Red' and the green is Tamiya 'Black Green.' Now, the putty did two thing, one exected, the texture, the second was unexpected. The second thing it did was allow for some very nice chipping and scratches. I took a very high grit sand paper and just nicked the edges and raised edges of the kit, it took the putty off instead of the base coat, leaving the real base coat thats under it see below
I did that for the entire kit, besides the face, the clear plastic on the mask, the copper exaust port on the top, and what I am going to show here. The kit came with vinyl tubes that go from the legs to the hips, I didnt like them, so I opened up the holes a bit with my trusty dremel untill they were the size of the "Mecha Skunk" 'Snake Chain' I had (love the stuff).
I then took the 'Snake Chains' I was going to use and laid them out and proceded to give them multiple washes of tamiya black.
Here is the gun arm but mainly its to show two things, the first is the mod to the gun arm you can see the raised around part on the gun, I used the dremel to drill the hole out larger so I could insert a snake chain going to the backpack (another mod with the dremel). On the upper arm I painted the vinyl (suposto be cloth) parts completly black then I VERY heavily drybrushed it with redish brown, then lightly with the same redish brown mixed with yellow.
Here is the kit with the snake chains attached. also, my foot.