It's been some time scince I could post, so I'm opening with a bang.
I am actually atempting to construct the entire chapter of the Emporor's finest as a personal goal and cause it looks damn cool. However, I am going to focus on the 1st and 3rd company for this build.
I already have the majoraty of the models assembeld as they are classic space marine models that I bought and traded for with fellow 40k players in my area. The rest is to be made up of standard SM models available today at any Games Workshop store/carrier.
I am starting by stripping the old paint off of the marines using 409 all purpouse cleaner as to not damage the plastic the kits are made of. At the same time I am waiting for the paint to peel, I will be assembleing the newer models.
I can't take credit for the paint jobs or the construction of the classic SM models nor the paper tanks in these pics (thats right, Paper.) credit for that goes to one of my friends who shall remain nameless for safetys sake. more to come.....