Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?
All we know is that there's still no contact with the colony, and that a xenomorph may be involved.
Excuse me sir, a-a what?
A xenomorph.
It's a bughunt.
I believe the kit is a remake of the old Halcyon kit (which i wish i had bought back then) Its vinyl and resin. I broke this kit every time i worked on it, every finger, every 'spine', all her hands, all the parts made from resin broke at least once. I came pretty close to just throwing it in a box and forgetting about it. Not to mention the tail was, in my opinion, molded upside down. If you set the tail to line up with her spinal things, she wont stand up. Anyway, even though i hated this kit, i do like the finished product for the most part.
Base was scratch built from that cool pink insulation you can carve into as well as chicken bones, wire harness things and lots and lots of glue.
I think it looks better in person, my old camera doesnt pick up all the detail it should, but here are the pics anyway. Enjoy :)
Bonus picture of a technically "unfinished" project.