I got to thinking one day."How do I get more clear panels on this and the UFO model I have as well as the ROBINSON family spaceship? I was categorizing my C.D.s when it hit me like a ton of bricks.The clear panels from cd jewel cases! REALLY ! I also found certain pans in the kitchen that have very close profiles to what I needed.
Well I took one of those pans and got it hot, Not blistering , but , hot enough to bend plastic.I then very gently laid the panel on the surface.It bent just fine.Then I checked the fit ,adjusted it in very hot water,Cut it to fit where I wanted and VIOLA!!! A nice ,very clear panel showing more of the interior of the ROBINSON ship.
Now ,I can do my version of the UFO saucer.As you know it doesn,t have a lot of detail.So imagineering is called for here. Good luck on your project. TANKER-builder