The lighting was a first for me. I learned a lot about doing it by watching Trekmodeler's videos on YouTube and also joining his forum. Once I figured out the specifics of the wiring and resistors, it wasn't that hard to wire and install. The cockpit is the Paragrafix set which is pretty much awesome. It's designed for lighting and works really well once you get all the holes and stuff set. I used a total of 5 LEDs and some fibers optic fibers to light cockpit and engines. I do have the Mk. 7 and I plan to do that one too, but now I HAVE to get the Paragrafix set for it because the Mk. 2 set was so great! Right now I'm trying to decide between lighting and building the Galactica, or lighting and building the Batmobile from the Michael Keaton movie... Decisions, Decisions.