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Lucas to redo the original Star Wars Triology

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 1:43 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by J-Hulk

Haven't seen it, Walt! Is it that bad?

Pretty interesting flick. I really enjoyed it.

Anyway, I worry when Jaye Davidson doesn't get work onscreen. Tongue [:P]
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  • From: Tochigi, Japan
Posted by J-Hulk on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:08 AM
Haven't seen it, Walt! Is it that bad?
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:54 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by J-Hulk

Heh heh!
That's right. And I'm the kind of dufus that enjoys almost every movie I see!
Makes for a happy movie-going life, I tell ya.

Brian ,

Ok but can you honestly say you enjoyed " The Crying Game " ? that movie still to this day sends shivers down my spine .

  • Member since
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  • From: Tochigi, Japan
Posted by J-Hulk on Tuesday, April 27, 2004 6:07 AM
Heh heh!
That's right. And I'm the kind of dufus that enjoys almost every movie I see!
Makes for a happy movie-going life, I tell ya.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 26, 2004 12:03 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by J-Hulk

Geez Larry, I almost feel guilty now for actually enjoying those movies!

Well, remember that mine is just One doofus's opinion! Smile [:)] If you enjoyed the movies, that's what it's all about, as the guy who invented the hokey pokey would say.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, April 26, 2004 5:37 AM
Oh man , so many things to say yet I find myself at a loss ? Why you ask , Well I read a spoiler script from a friend that works at LucasArts and Episode 3 sounds like a bad dream gone wrong . I just skimmed over it but something about Anikin falling into a vat of lava surviving and becomeing Darth Vader and killing Mace Windo , not only does it sound like Censored [censored] But it stinks of it . Boy I'm just glad the Aliens VS. Predetor movie just around the corner or I'd have to start watching Yu-Gi-Oh Banged Head [banghead] And truth be told I'm not about to do that .

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  • From: Belgium
Posted by DanCooper on Sunday, April 25, 2004 1:23 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by wipw

He sure did create some inconsistencies from 1 to 4, though. Like why didn't Obi Wan remember R2D2 and C3P0, or better yet, why didn't they remember him??

That's an easy one, at the time of episode 4, George had no idea of what would happen in episode 1,2 nor 3. The stories didn't even exist yet !!!

Hey, I'm a Star Wars fan also, but we mustn't forget that George is human too, at first he couldn't even sell the idea of Star Wars to any producer.

On the bench : Revell's 1/125 RV Calypso

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 1:37 PM
I think people ((Cough)) George Lucas ((cough)) forgot that computer generated special effects don't make up for lousy acting and horrible plots and scripts.

HAHA, I'm biased but I liked the effect of the ship MODELS in 3, 4 & 5, as opposed to the cartoonish qualities of the CGI ships in 1 and 2. No matter how good computers get, I'll always be a model lover at heart.

I also agree FULLY with the EP 3-4 break. I have no desire to see EP 3, because I don't really care to know how he will mess up the originals with tie-ins and whatnot. Too many discrepancies. Who makes prequels anyway? We all knew what happened before Ep 3... I say.. make 7, 8 and 9 if ANYTHING.
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  • From: Tochigi, Japan
Posted by J-Hulk on Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:25 AM
Geez Larry, I almost feel guilty now for actually enjoying those movies!
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, April 16, 2004 3:48 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by J-Hulk

I don't understand the revulsion at the idea of Georgie Boy remaking the original would that detract from the originals? They would be remakes, and would live or die on their own, would they not? Unless he has some insidious plan to have all existing copies of the originals destroyed, thus leaving the remakes as the only versions...but I kinda doubt it.

I don't. He's not releasing the original 3 movies in their lower tech but more fun form -- because he wants the more recent versions, with lots of CGI but with a lot of the fun sucked out of them, as the official episodes 4-6.

Were he to remake those three, I have no doubt he'd send Destroyer droids rolling into your house to take the DVD set back. Tongue [:P]

I think remaking 4-6 would be a disaster. He's proven with 1-2 (and presumably with 3 as well) that he's so impressed with the (essentially silly) world he set up for the movies that the fun interaction between characters, which made the original series so enjoyable, is somehow a disservice to his oh-so-serious Star Wars universe. Everything's so deadly dull and lifeless in 1 and 2. He's far too impressed with his robots and aliens and "republic" to allow the characters (and us) to have any fun.

I actually find the movies to be almost physically painful to watch.

My all time favorite review of a movie has to be Anthony Lane's review of Episide 1. It starts off:

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, people made movies with people in them, and some of those movies made sense.

Laugh [(-D]
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  • From: Tochigi, Japan
Posted by J-Hulk on Thursday, April 15, 2004 12:47 PM
Ah yes, the SMT I recall, there was quite a heated thread about that here in this forum last year. Copyright laws, ethics, greed...all that good stuff.
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  • From: Strategic Air Command
Posted by roguemodel on Thursday, April 15, 2004 10:10 AM
I will buy the September trilogy release because it's on DVD, BUT..........I have purchased the original "theatrical release" on VHS. That is the true gem. What Lucas did to the first three movies was akin to colorizing old classic black and white pictures. Did it add to the story? No, the driving force of the first three movies was the story lines and characterizations by the actors. I will never forget sitting in the theater at 16 y/o not knowing what to expect from this movie and being "blown away" by the first scene, many of you know what I'm talking about. The second trilogy is forgetable, especially the "actor" portraying Anakin Skywalker, somebody shoot me! What it comes down to is money. Lucas film has truly become the "EVIL EMPIRE". What does Lucas do with SMT? instead of working a deal for all the modelers and Star Wars fans and allow SMT to produce the BEST Star Wars kits around, he shuts them down. How much money do you need? The dirty little secret is the amount of SMT kits being shipped tp Skywalker Ranch before the C&D. Sorry for the rant, but Lucas has lost his creativity and reason for making these movies.
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  • From: Third rock from the sun.
Posted by Woody on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 6:16 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by J-Hulk

I don't understand the revulsion at the idea of Georgie Boy remaking the original would that detract from the originals? . . .
. . .Actually, I prefer the Special Edition versions. Anything that cuts down on Ewok screentime is OK by me.
I don't think it would really detract from the original. I just wish he would quit trying to reinvent an icon. I personally would be happy if he would just release the originals, as they appeared on the screen, on DVD. Wink [;)] I hear you about the Ewoks! They didn't convince me they could walk across a room in a straight line, let alone defeat Storm Troopers. I really didn't mind them half as much as that dolt, Jar Jar.

" I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harm's way." --John Paul Jones
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  • From: Utah - USA
Posted by wipw on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 4:37 PM
Sorry, but I just can't see anyone else as Han Solo. Might get away with the rest of the characters being played by someone else, if they were physically similar.

Way back when the original 3 were still new, I read an interview of Lucas where he said he intent was for there to be 3 trilogies from the beginning. He started with episode 4 because there was more action in it than there would have been in the first 3. He didn't know if Star Wars was going to fly or not, it was too different a concept (at the time). But that he was not going to have ANY of the characters carry over from one trilogy to another with the exception of the droids.

He sure did create some inconsistencies from 1 to 4, though. Like why didn't Obi Wan remember R2D2 and C3P0, or better yet, why didn't they remember him??

Anyway, my vote would be no. You don't mess with a classic, and like it or not, that's what the original three are!
Bill ========================================================== DML M4A2 Red Army ========================================================== ========================================================== -- There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness". (Author unknown)
  • Member since
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  • From: Tochigi, Japan
Posted by J-Hulk on Wednesday, April 14, 2004 2:05 PM
I don't understand the revulsion at the idea of Georgie Boy remaking the original would that detract from the originals? They would be remakes, and would live or die on their own, would they not? Unless he has some insidious plan to have all existing copies of the originals destroyed, thus leaving the remakes as the only versions...but I kinda doubt it.
The original trilogy will exist regardless of what George does. Even the "original " original trilogy (i.e., non-Special Edition).

Actually, I prefer the Special Edition versions. Anything that cuts down on Ewok screentime is OK by me.
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  • From: Third rock from the sun.
Posted by Woody on Tuesday, April 13, 2004 6:28 PM
I used to think that Lucas was brilliant and then he "Jumped the Shark" by releasing episode 1. I'm truthfully enjoying the cartoon series more than SW:E1. To redo the original would be a crime against SW fandom. The tampered with version was bad enough. Greedo shooting first......Please!

" I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; for I intend to go in harm's way." --John Paul Jones
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Posted by fightnjoe on Sunday, April 4, 2004 3:56 PM
i hope this is not true. my feeling and opinion is that the originals were great to mess with them could really hurt the fanbase they built.



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  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, April 4, 2004 2:57 PM
The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi were as good as they were because Lucas DID NOT direct them. I wish he would hand the direction of episode III off to someone else so that his swan song is worthy of remembrance.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 19, 2004 11:28 PM
Episodes 4,5 & 6 are scheduled to be released on DVD September 21, although that may change.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 7:33 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Captain Caveman

Lucas is a bearded demon if he messes with the Star Wars trilogy
the special editions were a mess im glad ive still got the originals
esp 1 is very bad so is Esp 2
remaking the original films would be like someone remaking Classic films like Get Carter and the Italian JobShock [:O]

Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]Laugh [(-D]
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 2:35 PM
Lucas is a bearded demon if he messes with the Star Wars trilogy
the special editions were a mess im glad ive still got the originals
esp 1 is very bad so is Esp 2
remaking the original films would be like someone remaking Classic films like Get Carter and the Italian JobShock [:O]
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 15, 2004 11:22 PM
It seems to me that it's a lot of back peddling from mistakes made in the past , plus the obvious mistake in doing prequels instead of 7,8,and 9 at a sooner time than present , as for myself . If Lucas actually does redo the original followed by direct sequels of 7,8,9 then it has my vote otherwise just leave things alone . Thats my 2My 2 cents [2c]
  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 15, 2004 7:42 AM
As far as I can tell (don't quote me on this one tho) the stories of Lucas re-doing the originals are pretty much conjecture, what i do kno however is that special edition dvd's of the original trillogy are out in september!(do quote me on that one!). Unfortunatly lucasarts in their infinite wisdom have opted not to release the original theatrical cuts on shiney disc (artistic intent and visions and what not). Still, great news i'm sure you'll all agree, ewpecially if they're on the same par as the ep 1 and 2 sets (the same teams are working on them so fingers crossed eh?)

and so ends my two penny worth

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 15, 2004 6:01 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Michaelvk


In two words: Why Not?
I would actually like to see what he comes up with if indeed the rumor turns out to be true. It's Lucas' empire anyway.
The only thing I'm gambling is the price of a ticket.
But first, he just has got to undo the damage done with the Original Special Editions.
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  • From: Belgium
Posted by DanCooper on Monday, March 15, 2004 5:29 AM
If he will be doing episodes 7, 8 and 9 the characters we all know will be played by different (younger) actors, after all episode 7 plays only 5 years after the battle of Endor, so a prinses Leia (played by an actrice in her 50's) wouldn't be convincing for being pregnant of twins, would she.
Maybe that is why Lucas wants to remake the first trilogy...

On the bench : Revell's 1/125 RV Calypso

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  • From: East Bethel, MN
Posted by midnightprowler on Monday, March 15, 2004 4:32 AM
Sign - Ditto [#ditto] It wouldn't be the same if diffrent people played the charachters we know and love. Leave it alone!

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, March 15, 2004 2:22 AM
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  • From: NE Georgia
Posted by Keyworth on Sunday, March 7, 2004 8:12 PM
AS far as the trilogy goes, it's scheduled for rerelease this fall in DVD format. Could that be what Lucas may be referring to? Lots easier to fix earlier problems on a computer than on an exotic set somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
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  • Member since
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, March 7, 2004 12:53 PM
I was actually thinking about this the other night while I was watching TESB. Well not exactly but what I was thinking was that they should play the original trilogy back in the theaters , as watching it on tv is just not the same. So if he does decide to redo them, I would be happy just because I know I would be in for a good time seeing them on big screen

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