I started on my Bandai 1/144 Poe X-Wing this week. I had custom decals made by Dannon Marsh. They are beautiful decals. I have sets in orange, red, and blue. For this build I'm using the red set over Tamiya AS-20.
I used an oil wash with Turpenoid to darken the panel lines and bring out the incredible detail in this tiny kit. The tail cap and droid strip are simply just amazing with tons of tiny engraved detail. You just can't see it in the black plastic, but throw a different color on this ship and WOW, watch it pop!
Anyway, on to the pictures...
Oil wash applied.
After sitting overnight the excess oil was removed.
Adding a bit of color with burnt umber...
On to the decals! The stripes on the engine vents look wrinkled, that's because the Solvaset is still working its magic on them. They eventually laid down. I supplied my T-70 sticker to Dannon as he did not have his kit yet. The decals turned out perfect. And the fit is spot on. They conform and tighten down over tiny details with a liberal amount of Solvaset.
Painting the tiny droid!
Still a bit more detail painting to do tonight after the decals set up.