The Moebius Jupiter 2 is essentially a model of a model, that being the 4' hero Miniature. They compromised the interior to fit in the 4 footers hull. Although the interior is beautiful(I have another with the full interior), I always wanted what I saw on the TV screen.
I filled in and sanded smooth the side hatch on the upper hull(There was never a hatch on the Jupiter 2 during production of the series, a scribed hatch was added later during a "restoration".
I scratch built the Hero interior which consisted of a new console and ledge for the three computers to rest on(Every Jupiter 2 model I have seen has the computers way back..too far to fit the interior in.
I mixed and matched several figures to get the look of the very crude figures used in the actual prop.
I fabricated the upper bubble spinner, and with the use of a dc motor, allowed it to spin as it did on the hero. There are NO lights in the upper bubble. The reflective scanner would catch the interior and exterior lighting to give the effect.
The model was painted Flat Aluminum.
My Model...
And the original Hero...