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A company called Green Strawberry also does a variety of standing SW figs:
“Ya ya ya, unicorn papoi!”
Ya it's an odd arrangement. I keep going back and forth between using the kit figures and finding an alternative. My rivet-counter days are behind me now, I just want to build nice looking models so I don't care if they are studio perfect. That said, using those figures goes against that logic too. I'm glad you mentioned 1/35 figures. I had thought to try them but actually worried that they may be too small. I recently picked up Sculpting the Galaxy by Lorne Peterson. It has some great photos of all the models. The ones of the snowspeeder, if you study them, make it look impossible for anybody larger than Luke (Mark Hamill ) to fit in there and that seems unlikely too assuming his feet are still attached to the bottom of his legs!
I wonder if that resin cockpit is still available anywhere? Neither here nor there though...the kit cockpit is already installed.
The MPC snowspeeder is a hard kit to fit figures into it. The hull/fuselage isn't deep enough for the scale that the upper torsos of the pilot/gunner need to be. That's why the figures look like they have gorilla arms.
Back in the day, I used 1/35 which were too big and 1/48 were too small.
There was a resin cockpit set a very, very long time ago with pilot torsos that were to be added.
Starship Modeler often sells conversions made by garage manufacturers and other sundry items for sci-fi kits. I know I once got the cockpit for the old Monogram Colonial Viper that included seated and standing Viper pilots as well as male and female ones representing the pilots from the 1970s TV show.
Cult TVman is also a seller of many sci-fi modeling items.
danburnsart Hello all, I'm wondering if anybody knows of a good source for aftermarket figures, namely pilot figures for Star Wars ships, snowspeeder and X-wing (MPC/Ertl). Thanks for any help!
Hello all,
I'm wondering if anybody knows of a good source for aftermarket figures, namely pilot figures for Star Wars ships, snowspeeder and X-wing (MPC/Ertl). Thanks for any help!
Try looking at Shapeways for 3-D printed stuff.
F is for FIRE, That burns down the whole town!
U is for URANIUM... BOMBS!
N is for NO SURVIVORS...
- Plankton
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