I like it! Did this come with a lighting kit? Or did you add the engine light yourself? Either way great job!
Hey Bruce, thank you, and thanks for your interest.
I designed the lighting myself. There are three parts to this:
1. I pulled a flickering Led from a tea light candle and mounted it just behind where the engine is located. The tealignt Led has a built in resister, so I did not need to add one. The model kit comes with a clear insert that I painted using Tamiya clear orange. Though the led is already yellowish, the painted piece adds more fire to it.
2. The second light source is a standard Led that needs a current limiting resister. I cut and mounted a plastic tube as a means to not only mount the Led to, but to use it as a way to bundle the light fibers in front of the led. It also sort of focuses the light forward, and it helps to minimize light bleed through the hull. Basically, I MacGyvered a light engine. The fiber optic was purchased off Amazon. I cut pieces to length, bent them so they'd line up with the windows, and I polished the ends for maximum light output. If you have not worked with this stuff before, it's cools stuff, and very easy to do.
3. The same second led is facing forward and there is enough light going past the fiber bundle to illuminate the cockpit, when viewed from the front.
Probably more info than you wanted to know.
There are more images on my Icarus thread. If you visit it, go to the last page and maybe work back one page. That should be the point where I started working on it.
Thanks again for your interest!