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  • Member since
    May 2011
  • From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Posted by Real G on Thursday, October 21, 2021 3:19 PM

Personally, I think the only really "bad" early Nitto MaK kit was the PKA H.0/H.1.  The moldings were really clunky, and fit was not the best.  The canopy was heavily distorted, which helped conceal the blobby figure with his "melted cheese" visor!.  But the kit did have some very nice surface and weld bead detail.  I ended up re-jointing my kit with polycaps to allow for modular construction to ease cleanup and painting.

My first foray into MaK (SF-3D at the time) was the classic SAFS, the "walking toilet" powered suit.  It was amazing back in 1985, and IMHO still holds up as one of the great original Nitto kits.  But now Wave makes newer tool SAFS kits that are easier to build.  I do miss the metal hoses in the old kits though.

“Ya ya ya, unicorn papoi!”

  • Member since
    October 2021
Posted by PhoenixG on Thursday, October 21, 2021 2:38 PM

Hi Baron and Real G,

Thank you for the input regarding MaK! Some of their stuff looked like it would be a blast to build.  Always great to see positive endorsements for something new (to me).  I look forward to delving into that world. Smile

On the Bench:

Bandai 1/72 Defender Destroid

  • Member since
    September 2006
  • From: Bethlehem PA
Posted by the Baron on Thursday, October 21, 2021 12:33 PM


...I recently learned of one called Maschinen Krieger that could be interesting... 

I recommend MaK highly!  A buddy introduced me to the genre several years ago, giving me a kit from his stash (Wave's 1/20 Raptor armored fighting suit) and I was hooked. 

I like the scale, for one thing.  Big enough to show detail and have decently-sculpted figures, especially resin figures made by "satellite" studios to go with the kits.  And small enough to take up only a little bit of display space.

You can get newer kits, made by Wave and by Hasegawa, or find the classic, first generation kits from Nitto on the secondary market, eg, eBay, forums, at shows, or in trades with other fans.  The old Nitto kits have been called "scratchbuilder's kits", because while you could finish them out of the box, they left a lot of room for detailing.  They were based on the originals that Kow Yokoyama kitbashed, based on his illustrations.

There are several of us who build MaK; you can find threads here in the Sci-Fi forum.  I hope you build a MaK subject in the near future and share your build!

Best regards,


The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen.



  • Member since
    May 2011
  • From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Posted by Real G on Thursday, October 21, 2021 12:30 PM

MaK is the rabbit hole within the sci-fi rabbit hole.  It's deep and dark, and very mysterious, so many never venture in.  Or they notice the rabbit looks kinda nuts, so they take a pass.  It's a hard sell, but it is a wonderful world in itself.  More kits appear every year too, so it's not like you have to scour fleabay for long discontinued kits.

There are a couple of MaK modelers here, including myself, so dive in and enjoy!

“Ya ya ya, unicorn papoi!”

  • Member since
    November 2009
  • From: SW Virginia
Posted by Gamera on Thursday, October 21, 2021 10:27 AM

Welcome!!! We need more SF and fantasy guys here, this forum is kinda slow.

Nice work and hope you'll share more with us!

"I dream in fire but work in clay." -Arthur Machen


  • Member since
    October 2021
Posted by PhoenixG on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 10:16 PM

Heh, I think it's going to be a fun time in the jungle. 

I am indeed a sci-fi modeler and more than a bit of a fan of the genre.  I also enjoy expanding my experiences with it.  Suggestions for sites to perruse or seris to investigate is most welcome! I recently learned of one called Maschinen Krieger that could be interesting. 

Will share more of my works as soon as the image hosting space is organized and populated.  My upload speed is garbage.  Need to cull quite a bit before posting.  Part and parcel with living far outside the burbs. Smile

On the Bench:

Bandai 1/72 Defender Destroid

  • Member since
    May 2011
  • From: Honolulu, Hawaii
Posted by Real G on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 9:09 PM

Wecome to the jungle, I mean foum!  Big Smile  Heh heh, a sci-fi modeler huh?  Excellent!  Please join in on the fun and share your latest project with us!


“Ya ya ya, unicorn papoi!”

  • Member since
    July 2014
  • From: Franklin Wi
Posted by Bakster on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 7:31 PM


Welcome aboard!Welcome Sign

Even those of us who have been modeling non-stop (more or less) for decades keep finding inspiration here. A lot of talent...but also some darned nice people willing to share their good humor as well as their skills. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here.

[Novella?? Hah! Most of one time or another...have done those 'War and Peace' posts over lesser things....Wink]


Ditto. Thanks for joining, sharing your journey, and I look forward to seeing more from you. Yes

  • Member since
    March 2003
  • From: Towson MD
Posted by gregbale on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 7:21 PM

Welcome aboard!Welcome Sign

Even those of us who have been modeling non-stop (more or less) for decades keep finding inspiration here. A lot of talent...but also some darned nice people willing to share their good humor as well as their skills. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here.

[Novella?? Hah! Most of one time or another...have done those 'War and Peace' posts over lesser things....Wink]


George Lewis:

"Every time you correct me on my grammar I love you a little fewer."
  • Member since
    October 2021
Return to modeling
Posted by PhoenixG on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 7:10 PM

As my "member since" timer will show I am a VERY new participant in these forums.

Rather than starting my posts with where I am now I thought I might share a little bit of where I started from.  Share some of the journey to where I am now.

This is one of the last models I did before before my hiatus and resumption 2 years ago.  It is what is left of the Falcon from the MPC Hoth Base release built somewhere in the 90s.  Not sure of the scale but it's about 5" long.

MF Original Paint

All Testor's enamels including my attempts at "weathering".  :)

Fast forward to two years ago and my attempt to return to the hobby.

A Robotech/Macross VF-1D by ARII as part of the 15th Anniversary release (mid-90s)at 1/100th scale.  Hauled it around for 20 years just waiting patiently to be built.
Pulled it out and using a brand new set of Vallejo paints (using the same brushes that painted the Falcon 20 years earlier) attacked it.


And that's kind of what it looks like.  Something attacked it. :D
Seams everywhere, washes that are more like baths, and decals silvering.  Some difference in 20 years.  Surprisingly enough this was inspiration rather than demotivation.  I wanted to be able to take my work up another notch.  Which led me to FineScale, and the world changed.

I learned about tools and methods. 

Saved up in order to improve my kit and after some practice decided that giving the Millenium Falcon an overhaul would be a good test of what I had learned.

MF Overhaul

Despite challenges with color matching, complicated by the weathering desaturating (is that even a word?) the panels, and overdoing the carbon streaking.  It is a darn sight prettier (at least to me) than before.

It now holds a spot above my bench to remind me that on occasion you can teach an old dog new tricks.

Thank you everyone for the inspiration your work provides and the tips and tricks shared that help us all grow in our hobby!

I look forward to sharing my builds and WIPs in these forums and becoming an active member of the community.  (And hopefully future posts will be less like a novella)

On the Bench:

Bandai 1/72 Defender Destroid


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