When a build has been particularly frustrating that I have to walk away for a bit I find that painting miniatures helps clear the head. It also has the bonus effect of growing my painting skills. This is a from a project I did back in September.
These miniatures are from the Fantasy Flight game Imperial Assault. A Star Wars themed game. My nieces decided these had to be my next painting project.
I have no idea what they are supposed to look like or anything about them. Which means the sky is the limit for what they could be!
I thought a swamplike color scheme would work well. Jumped into the deep end by laying down a lemon yellow base coat followed by a green wash.
So far so good. Perhaps rather frog like.
At some point I started painting color palette ideas on the base of a miniature as a way to look for harmonies and make selection a little easier.
Next up start introducing some of the earth tones.
Hmm, not the color progression I was looking for. Looks more like it fell in the mud. Time to start over.
Stripped it down to plastic with 90% Isopropyl alcohol. Works great on Vallejo Acrylics.
Next attempt, lemon yellow base, green wash and lets try a rust wash from the top instead...
Much better! Also get a preview of its brother. His bro was hit with rust wash on the spine, shoulders and head with extra being wiped of so the color would remain in cracks and crevices.
A little more layering with heavily thinned brown, rust wash, & green yields this.
A little bit of rivalry develops as the other keeps photo bombing.
At this point I get the mouth painted with a mix of red/white/gloss medium. I want the glossiness to give an impression of moisture. Then dry brush the shoulders, head, and spine with refractive green and lemon yellow to call out highlights. Seal it all with matt finish.
Add PG to the eyes so they shine and put a satin finish on the spines so they have a slightly wet/crystal look. (yeah that's lot to happen all at once. Forgot to take pictures)
The next day I return to find him stalking some prey.
Will post more on his brother later.