WortHog, the kits you are talking about lack posibility, and are really more like statues (although $5 is a good price for them IMO )
Anyway, I'm urrently working on the Blitz kit, and it doesn't look too bad, though if it were next to it's 1/144 HG kit, it'd probably look bad (I don't have the HG kit, so I really can't comment... )
Anyway, if you want more help, join up at the ChildofMecha.com forums and post a request for reviews in the reviews section, they should be more than happy to help you out! ^__^
And Model Museum, your desription is rather close to what they are in Japan :p These kits were "tradeing kits" kinda like tradeing cards I guess....
Though WortHog, if you can, you're better off picking up the HG kits of each of those SEED kits, you won't be disappointed!