I posted one picture of each : The Rio Grande and the E-C. The Runabout is in forlder Runabout2 and the last picture 111204. The E-C is in the 1701C October Folder and that one is labled 111204 also.
The Runabout side panels needed to be painted and weathered prior to installation of the pylon assemblies. The picture only shows the early stages of that work. The wiring for the main hull and the nacelles are then fed into the pylon where access to them can be achieved from the front impulse grill area that has been drilled out for DLM's Impulse enhancement. A red LED will be placed in the pylon then to give the glow of both the intake and the exhaust port on the rear of the pylon. I'll get some more shots of that tomorrow evening.
The E-C is masked off and the light blue/grey has been applied to the upper saucer area for now. Family obligations have prohibited me from continuing with the airbrushing but I did manage to tape off additional areas of the hull and saucer for airbrushing tomorrow. Again, more photos of those tomorrow evening.