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Kit Reviews.

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Kit Reviews.
Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, November 25, 2004 5:22 PM
With the upcoming kit I have decided to do quick kit reviews of the kits that I will be detroying:

1.) Wave 1/24 Sakura Wars 2 Koubu Kai Multiplex Kit:
This is an older item that allows you to build all 9 variants of said steam powered Robot, 1/24 figures for all 9 pilots are also supplied.

Kit is standard Wave quality(which means it is top-notch), asssembly for all variants is nearly the same as only a few weapons and the paint scheme differ.
Included are 4 decal sheets meaning that a LOT of surplus decals will be added to the spares box. Naturally the weapons not going into the Build(ex. Lance, Gatling gun, Swords, Halberd, etc) also end up there.

There are not many parts and assembly is quick on those kits.

2.)Wave 1/24 Sakura Wars 3 Koubu F/ Lobelia variant:
This is the next version of the Koubu and still a fairly new release, so far not all the variants of tis robot have been released.

Pretty much the same can be said about this kit that was already said about the Koubu Kai. A few improved areas though, sensors are now moveable, top-hatch opens, etc. Weapons in this kit include the swords for the upcoming Sakura version. There is a bigger variation of weapons on the Koubu F kits than on the Koubu Kai kits and I am pretty sure we will get another "Multiplex" kit later on.

3.) TVC-15 1/35 Dominion Tank Police/ Leona Version:
This is an older Resin kit that is still available directly from TVC-15.
Quality poor to fair, a smallish item with most of the needing to be done on the tracks to make them look good, the come in multiple pieces with 2 straight sections and some indie links. No Decals nor Instruction sheet were provided in my Kit so I will have to think of something there. 3 vac-formed bulbs are also included to cover the lights. Overall about 25 parts that need quiet a bit of cleaning and nifty positioning to get the kit looking just right.

4.)TVC-15 1/35 Shadow City: Road Gunner
This is also an older resin kit that is now OOP. It depicts an insect like tank, the kit comes with the tank, base and 2 figures.

Shadow City features original designs that were scratchbuild and than later turned into resin Kits, I think a total of 4 designs were made into kits.
Similar to the Dominion Tank it is a 1 or 2-man tank and smallish in design.
There is a LOT of flash on the parts and it will take some carefull trimming not to damage the smaller parts, after dry-fitting I found some serious fitting problems in a few areas that my router will have to take care off.

That's my stuff for the upcoming group-build.

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