Oh man talk about good times sitting in a a rotten jungle in Panama waiting for them to take Noriaga (sp) why we cought drug dealers etc running into the jumgles.
Reading Starship Troopers.
Man the book is the best hands down.
I then like the CG stuff as its own stuff.
And thas what the Mauraders are based off not the movie or the book by the way its based off the CG versions.
Anywas I cant wait to get a CHAS
Oh man I love robots and I love that little guy.
Heres my first Starship Trooper painted already.
Cant pass them up may never play but will shure as heck build me an army of them to remind me of my Military days.
I was going for the Cartoon look of them not the movie look because it is a game and I thought this would go with a game better? Or so I think?
Who Knows?