I am scratchbuilding 1/2500 Enterprises!..
Hi guys.. after my PL 1/350 Enterprise, I was looking at my collection of Enterprises.. I have all of the Enterprises from the Furuta range, and the Johnny Lightning NX-01 to make up the numbers... While looking at them, I decided that I wanted to have all of the enterprises in one scale..
I was lucky to get cheap on auction here in Japan the Enterprise TOS, A, & D, 3 piece set.. But the B, C & E set are just about non exsistant? .. Unless one of you have it???
So I decided to just scratch build the B, C, and E myself.. SO I started with the B.. And I just wanted to show my progress thus far.. It wont be perfect as I am doing everything by eye, but it will make a nice addition to the collection...
This is a simple plan of what I did.. I used basic pine from things lying around the house. Including a rolling pin... The nacelles will be done with cooking chop sticks used by my wife here in Japan
Still not completely sanded, but with a coat of primer of how it has turned out..
The nacelles will be carved out of long cooking chop-sticks used by my wife.. I bought myself a power drill, and bolted it to my bench and turned it into a mini lathe.. I have carved out the saucer, and it is in the process of being completed also...
Chris in Japan