The first is a tactical pod glaug (think its called an officers battle pod by other companies) from bandai 1:100, the second is a destroid tomohawk, think i got it from bandai also 1:100. They are both represented as battletech vehicles glaug=marauder; tomohawk=warhammer. not sure how familiar you are with the macross/robotech/battletech universes, so if I am sending a BFOO, my apologies. Anyway, I think they are scaled to the macross/robotech series and not the battletech game. the glaug towers over the tomohawk which is true to scale for the cartoon (I suppose as true as you can get to a cartoon) but not the battletech game, which they should be roughly the same size...I have flapped my gib long enough, you can find some good deals for these on ebay, look under models/scifi/macross. GL/GH