Here's the parts of Zeta Plus after I've done quick air brushing and top coat.
kit was built when I had most of my tools stored away and couln't be
bothered to buy another set of tools and what not so you can see I
haven't fixed any seam lines... which I dislike a lot... O_x
ran out of flat top coat so used glossy top coat that I have a spare -
too shiny for my taste but don't want to do another top coat when I get
the matt finish though...
more than likely I will assemble it and put it aside... :P
I'm going to build another one or Zeta Plus A1 I will be doing some
modification and probably make it into fixed MS with VmSWr eliminated
for better posability
p.s. will update with more pics when parts are dried and assembled...
people living in glass colonies shouldn't throw nuclear stones.