yes you are correct I was way too close to the model due to the desk lamps I used.
It's one of those with huge base an very short cord. So they were very
close to the model and I had to be even closer to avoid the lamps
captured on the same frame.
Camera is Nikon D2x that I burrowed from dad. This is the first time I
used digital SLR - or SLR for that matter - so I'm kind of learning as
I go - and Nikon only provided the manual on CD-ROM so it was rather
inconvenient to look up CD-ROM when ever I have a question. They
should've included the printed manual given how much they are charging
for the camera alone... :(
Yes I overlooked the white balance - well the camera has almost dozen
buttons and dials and what not so it was quite daunting to handle the
For the out of focus on certain parts of model I think I like as it
gives kind of depth - like if you are really taking picture of the real
thing the distance from one end to the other would be huge... :D
I'm going to do another experiment soon as I can get some free time - probably at mid night again. :(
I will keep your suggestion and bunch of others from other members...
people living in glass colonies shouldn't throw nuclear stones.