some of you may remember my PG AEUG Mk-II with heavy shadow...
well I finally repainted it in Titanz colour and tried the washing
using the light grey for the panel line. Well with dark blue colour you
cannot use the black line and easiest way to achieve the panel lining
is by using the washing with light grey. Before washing I basically
pull apart everything and spray inside and out while some parts I
stripped the painting or what little they have. and I salvage some
parts off mate's junk PG Mk-II Titanz kit to make up couple of parts I
broke or gotten too weak after stripping
well enough word, here are the pictures of three modules ready for assembly...
Except that I broke one of pin at the waste so till it's cured I could not put it back together... :(
Shield and beam rifle are the next.
As I using the old kit I didn't bother to fix the seam line issue with
rifle though next time I build PG Mk-II I definately going to do proper
job plus full inner metal fram painting...
people living in glass colonies shouldn't throw nuclear stones.