MG 1/100 RX-78-2 Ver. Ka mixed with Ver. OYW - WIP
Alright, This is my 4th attempt to put Ver. OYW frame into Ver. Ka kit.
So far I've been able to incorporate the part of OYW frame but this time
I'm trying to use the entire frame - from neck to toe so to speak. ^ ^
You see here the OYW frame with its outer armours all removed. You can
also see the OYW leg frame with Ver. Ka skin on as test fitting at
the top of picture. Although they look similar Ver. Ka and Ver. OYW do
not share a single bit of frame and putting Ver. Ka skin onto OYW frame
proves to be more of challange...
After bit of playing I've decided to use the OYW face under Ver. Ka helmet to give that big helmet and small face look. -_-;
Here you see the Ver. Ka leg skins with their inside sanded down to
fit on the frame.
Here're both foot with OYW frame with Ver. Ka skin. Only the toe sections are from Ver. Ka and the rest are from OYW.
Working on grafting the top sectoin of Ver. Ka torso onto the OYW torso
skin. Also some work for more movement with waist. The hatch area also
had the middle section sawed out to be replaced with scratched piece.
After bit of head scratching I decided to modify the pelvic area for more greater movement - so it can do high kick! ^ ^
and still in progress...
people living in glass colonies shouldn't throw nuclear stones.