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Any tips for building revell voyager's?

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  • From: Utereg
Any tips for building revell voyager's?
Posted by Borg R3-MC0 on Friday, October 13, 2006 2:57 AM

I have bought a (started) revell voyager kit. (this one ) I primaraly build aircraft so this is going to be my first Sci Fi kit.

Are there things different at building a sci fi kit as oppossed to a aircraft kit?

Does any one has tips or recommendations on building this kit?

And what up with that "aztec scheme"? Confused [%-)]

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Posted by chasd25 on Friday, October 13, 2006 8:53 AM

I've got one of these partially built.....its a long term project. There was a review in FSM many years ago when the kit was first issued. You can also read some online reviews here:




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Posted by MartianGundamModeler on Friday, October 13, 2006 9:19 AM

Been a long time since I built mine and is currently in the "broken-model-box-that-I-willl repair-one-day-pile". I personally think is is one of if nt the best of the trek kits when it comes to assembly and detail.  The "aztec" will actullay line up with the panel lines. And it is easy to light the interior if you go that route but the engines a are bugger to light because of the hinges but I managed it. my decals yellowed because at the time I knew nothing of solveset and clear coating with future...

Anyways I loved the kit. Oh and glue those windows in good because if the fall back in to the hull...well lest just say you won't be

Just my My 2 cents [2c]

"Some men look at things the way they are and ask ' Why?'. I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?".--Robert Kennedy taken from George Bernard Shaw's "Back To Methuselah" (Thanks to TomZ2)
  • Member since
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  • From: Utereg
Posted by Borg R3-MC0 on Wednesday, October 25, 2006 9:18 AM

First of, thanks for your input.

But I'm stil not getting this aztec scheme. When I watch star trek, I never see a lot of different colors on the ships. Most of the federation ships are light grey/off white, with some blue and red lights. So where does this aztec scheme come from?

  • Member since
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Posted by CaptainHawk1 on Thursday, October 26, 2006 4:06 PM
 RemcoGrob wrote:

I have bought a (started) revell voyager kit. (this one ) I primaraly build aircraft so this is going to be my first Sci Fi kit.

Are there things different at building a sci fi kit as oppossed to a aircraft kit?

Does any one has tips or recommendations on building this kit?

And what up with that "aztec scheme"? Confused [%-)]

Keep in mind that the nacelles on this thing are not as fat (top to bottom) as they should be and I have not found anyone that makes an aftermarket replacement for it.  Aztecking is a breeze and I highly recommend being very careful with those pointy pieces on the extreme aft of the hull as they are prone to breaking of when the model is dropped.


Which one did you get any way as the S.E. version has a lot more (and better decals) and a shuttlecraft.  If you need those decals let me know, and I'll scan my set for you and pop them in an email.


"Never's just easier to call you stupid." -Brian Griffin
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Voyager has aztec?
Posted by Kugai on Monday, November 6, 2006 12:03 PM

I never noticed.  I noticed some difference in shading between one section of the deflector grid and another but none of the aztec-type pattern withtin a single section.

 If you still don't understand what "aztec" is, it's a pattern used to add hull plating detail using a small, repeating pattern.  If you have a copy of "Generations" you'll see this on the 1701-D better than on most of the TNG shows.  At first glance the plating looks random but if you look closely each section of the grid on the ship's hull has a pattern alternating between 2 shades of bluish gray roughly resembling a sideways "H".  One section will have the H in the darker shade with lighter toned highlights and the next will have the H in the lighter tone with the dark tone for "filler."  I saw another posting here where someone's building the Ent.-D and shows the masking in progress for the aztec if you want another example. 

Most Federation ships since the refitted Enterprise in the first movie have this.  Some ships in the shows didn't include the pattern because no movies were planned using them and the added detail wasn't seen as necessary for TV, where much of the added detail would have been lost when compared to sitting in the front of a movie theater

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Posted by CaptainHawk1 on Monday, November 6, 2006 3:23 PM

The only ship that I'm aware of that has no aztec pattern is the TOS Enterprise Constitution Class which has been rectified by the Defiant in the Enterprise Episode: In a Mirror Darkly.


"Never's just easier to call you stupid." -Brian Griffin
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Posted by forbiddenplastic on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 2:34 PM
The "aztec" pattern was a system of alternating designs painted onto the Refit Enterprise from the first Star Trek movie, "Star Trek: The Motion Picture". It was a combination of different pearlescent tints over a white basecoat. You can get the low-down on the origin of the aztec paint effect from the artist himself, Paul Olsen. Here's a short write-up of his work on the aztec panel effect. Don't confuse the aztec patterning with a general panel effect. Not every Federation ship had a distinct aztec pattern. The last Enterprise, the E-E had a random field of slightly contrasting panel shapes, Voyager didn't it either. There was a slight weathering effect that coincides with the radial deflector lines on the main hull. It's akin to a scalloping effect. The uneveness of the paint serves to give a greater sense of scale to the model. This is best illustrated by the build-up on Thomas Sasser's site. I think general preshading and minimally contrasting panel effects will work very well for the Voyager. Good luck with it! And don't forget to post progress pix!
Model On!
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Posted by garykerr on Wednesday, November 8, 2006 2:36 PM

I don't know if this is too late, but Rick Sternbach, primary designer of the Voyager, posted a detailed review of the kit (plus accurizing tips) at his old website.  I don't see the info at his new website, but luckily, I saved the entire review on my computer.  Without further ado, here is Rick's review:

Revell-Monogram USS Voyager Limited Edition Kit Review

Like everyone else, I'd waited patiently for the new and improved USS Voyager kit from Revell-Monogram. I might have had a bit more reason than most to chew my nails, but now the wait is over. The sculpting, fit, and detail problems with the previous edition are well known, so I won't go into those in depth except where it relates to the current fixes. This review will examine all major structural areas of the ship and the important details in each of those areas. I must say at the outset that the central theme of this review is not to trounce Revell-Monogram for errors or omissions (communication with the ship's illustrator/designer would have nipped a few problems in the bud), but rather to offer a few bits of helpful information to all the model builders out there who might wish to go a few steps further in super detailing this slick Starfleet vessel. Even those who do nothing more than build the stock, out-of-the-box kit may find the historical notes entertaining. To R-M's credit, they have made a welcome effort to make Voyager the kit we hoped for in the first release. They could have simply left it untouched, but they took another shot at it.


The two largest pieces make up the primary hull. As noted in other reviews, there aren't too many changes. The small quarters and lab windows have been properly divided; though slightly uneven, they're fairly crisp. The bridge (Deck 1) remains slightly misproportioned in the top view, but acceptable. The raised panels should be about half their thickness, but that's okay as well, unless you'd like to go nice and easy with some 400-600 sandpaper to lower them. The four little rectangular depressions aren't depressions, and should be filled; they are covered by markings, though. The little nit in the center of the bridge should be sanded down flat. The airlock at the back of Deck 1 is "missing," but is supplied as a decal. My original intent was for an inset pair of holodeck-type doors. The three overhead windows on each side of the bridge ceiling aren't divided, but you can try to split them with some teeny styrene strips. Overall, the bridge detail is just a bit "thicker" all around than on the real miniature.

Deck 2 still lacks its structural reinforcing strips, but these can be added with styrene strips sanded to look like half-rounds (Evergreen now makes them, great). The little sensor platform squares could use just a bit of scribing to separate them into more distinct shapes. The four forward lifeboat hatches are misaligned; they really follow the outer curve of the deck. See the highly upgraded instruction sheet for photos of the five-footer shooting miniature. The missing horizontal windows appear as decals; use them.

The phaser strips remain a bit high, but not worth sanding down too far. The actual phaser strip is highly corrugated along its sides, much like the Enterprise-D strips. At Tony Meininger's Brazil Fabrication and Design, where Voyager was born, the phaser strips for the five-footer were sculpted and cast in a fairly flexible urethane to bend around the master mold part, rather than cast in a stiffer resin, as many of the other hardware bits were.

The sensor strips around Deck 8 and elsewhere are a bit soft, but the detail is there and should look good after painting with the base color and accents. Again, the instruction sheet is very detailed on these pieces. The RCS thruster quads are generally clean, especially on the lower hull half. The docking ports really should be inset, with a second inset to indicate the split round doors (see "Scorpion Pt. II" for that great close-up!), but the draft angle on the hull top wouldn't allow it. Thankfully, there are docking port decals, but if you want, cut those rectangles out, back them up with some .020 or .030 sheet with a hole for the doors, and then back *that* up with some .020 with a center scribe line for the split. Use the name/number decals in any case.

On the lower hull, the defensive shield grid lines are just as crisp as before, though here the transporter emitter antennae are done as negative detail, opposite from the top hull. I would fill in the negative space, cut .020 sheet to match the decals in size, and raise them. The hexagonal EVA pod doors are called out for the first time; see the TNG Tech Manual if you want to build an EVA pod to go with them. The six door panels open downward like a flap valve.

Incidentally, the pointyness of the inset lower hull (Deck 9) is there in the miniature, but wasn't intentional on by blueprints. Tony interpreted the forward lines to pinch slightly.

The AeroShuttle is still slightly flattened fore-aft; see the Playmates toy for a better plan view. The AeroShuttle was designed essentially as a Runabout with wings, so that we could use the existing Runabout cabin set if we needed to see the shuttle in flight. I hear the gears turning out there; yes, it occurred to me, too, to kitbash one! Note: We had to change the name of the vehicle to AeroShuttle, even though it hasn't been spoken in dialogue yet, since "Aerowing" was used in connection with a "Mighty Ducks" airplane toy.


The draft angle (the fact that some details can't go past a certain angle in the steel mold) has raised its ugly head bigtime on the two engineering hull halves. As a result, the shield grid lines are a bit odd, particularly around Deck 15, as are the engine hardware panels along the belly line. I would recommend sanding most of the engine gear off and scratchbuilding new panels from sheet stock. They're fairly easy shapes; the things that look like soft wobbly octagons, the main and reserve warp core covers, should be sharper octagons with only slightly soft edges. The detail photos should help here. If you haven't kept track of Starfleet style over the last ten years, you'll notice that it's mainly straight lines, slightly curved corners, and slightly softened edges.

The hanger deck and shuttle are welcome additions; the shuttle seems to be our interim large cargo shuttle, with the curved nacelle pylons. Greg Jein built a large miniature of it, though we used it only once or twice, and never reworked the full size set piece to look like it. Lately we've gone back to the regular large TNG shuttle and the new small "speedboat" shuttle that Tom Paris likes to fly (Revell-Monogram, you know a lot of folks want to see this one, and I know where you can get the blueprints <grin>). The kit shuttlebay copies the one quickly cobbled together for the five-footer; the architecture does not reflect what we hope to use if and when we build the real set, but if you want to get closer, scratchbuild a new bay but copy the look of the cargo bay walls. See the second season episode "Maneuvers."

Most of the other hull details are acceptable, and the modeling tips in the instructions about puttying, sanding, and scribing will help in making Voyager one seamless body. You might ask about the landing gear, but we'll tackle that later. The aft hull undercut, the signature curve just aft of the warp core, is a bit too flat, but not objectionable. The aft cargo doors can be sanded off and recut from .010 or .020. The main deflector emitter is now correctly opaque, and the inner dish clear.

The fantail section, just below the shuttlebay, is very sharp, thought the raised shield grid should have been scribed detail. This is okay, especially when it comes to masking and painting. The nacelle wings are equally sharp; again, the raised detail was intended to be scribed, but don't knock yourself out by changing it. The horseshoe shapes atop the impulse engines are a bit thick, and each needs a little dome just inside the curve, but don't sweat this, either.

On the warp engine nacelles, the yellow ochre coils are slightly soft, and the aft structural reinforcing strips are only hinted at. These latter shapes are like the missing ones from Deck 2, and are easily added. The more problematic feature is the shallow panel just above the red Bussard Collector "windows." This panel should be sanded smooth, leaving the thicker one alone. Some photographs of the model were taken before this front panel was screwed down tight (the whole hump lifts off for lighting access), and leave a false impression of the shape.

The clear sections are going to be a lot of fun for lighting, and we've already seen the possibilities for Lightsheet, fiber optic, and LED applications. The decal sheet has already received major praise, and Mike Okuda and I add our own. Mike put all the graphics together in Adobe Illustrator and spent endless hours at the Brazil shop applying the rub-on INTs made from the computer files. These files were provided to Revell-Monogram and became the insignia and the many small hatches and warning shapes. A tip of the hat to Thomas Sasser, who called to ask lots of questions, helped assemble the decal sheet and instructions, and who has added interesting touches like the in-window scenes. For now, I'll stick with my recommendations for the paint scheme posted earlier in various places, and check out the FS numbers in the instructions shortly to see how well they match.

It's always gratifying to see the end result of a lot of months' work shaping a big ship like Voyager, whether it be the five foot shooting model, the CGI version, or the plastic kit. There are lots of other details to discuss, and as time goes on, I'll add to these notes and post them.


The following FS numbers are taken from the Floquil Military Color Reference Guide, June 1995. In some cases the guide does not cover more generic model paint colors, and the modeler is urged to search and experiment. All color call-outs indicate the last four digits of the FS designation. The prefixes to those FS numbers vary depending on finish: "3" for matte, "1" for gloss. Assume all paints are matte unless specified. If the modeler follows these numbers, the result will be a very acceptable replica of the starship Voyager. It is well known that the video image on one's home television screen is absolutely no gauge for recreating the look of the 5 foot shooting miniature or CGI model. The actual colors of the model are sometimes "tweaked" in the transfer from film to tape, so the "real" colors of the ship are an approximation at best.

Some of the colors are, of course, meant to represent lighted areas of the model. If you're going to take the plunge and electrify your kit with Lightsheet panels, LEDs, grain of rice bulbs and whatnot, you probably know already not to paint those clear parts! (Tinting them is another matter, and there are lots of nice transparent color paints on the market)

OVERALL HULL: (-5526 Deckhouse Blue) Various areas of the hull are a slightly darker shade of this color; mix to taste. This color was checked mercilessly against an actual color sample of the original Voyager paint on a piece of styrene from Brazil Fabrication and Design. Haven't had a chance to check this against the recommended colors in the kit instructions, but I can assure you that the hull paint really has a lot of blue in it. Note: The only known commercial mix of Deckhouse Blue is from Floquil, but only in enamel, so you water-washup acrylic users (like me) will have to prepare a custom mix.

PHASER STRIPS: (-6357 Concrete) or (-6165~ Ger. Lt. Gray) I've painted phasers on the Enterprise D a bit warmer than the actual miniature shows; I just happen to like a gray with a touch of brown.


RCS THRUSTERS1: (-2473~ SP Daylight Orange), (-7030 NATO Tricolor Brown), (-0115~ Orange Ochre)

CENTRAL DEFLECTOR DISH2: (-2473~ SP Daylight Orange) (-0115~ Orange Ochre)

AUXILIARY DEFLECTOR2: (-2473~ SP Daylight Orange) (-0115~ Orange Ochre) The eight panels in the deflector hollow, supplied as a decal, are also the orange ochre, in case you feel like masking and spraying these as well; some folks like a challenge. ;-)

SENSOR STRIPS & LARGE INSETS: (-5189~ USN Blue Gray) Accent individual sensor instruments with copper and dk. gloss blue (the kit instructions show the sensors quite well and give very detailed callouts and colors).

LIFEBOAT HATCHES: (-3613~ Panzer Int. Buff) or (-7778~ French White) Actually, I'd stay with the Buff, just to give the hatches a bit of a warm constrast to the hull.

BRIDGE MODULE TOP PLATES: (-3531~ Israel Tan) The capsule shape surrounding the twin turbolift caps is a slightly darker shade.

IMPULSE ENGINE EXHAUST VENTS: (-6357~ Concrete) Cut this with a little white to match value of hull color.

LIT WINDOWS: (-7778~ French White/gloss) This doesn't need to be all that bright, actually, so feel free to dim the white down a bit.

UNLIT WINDOWS: (-6152~ Panzer Dk.Gray/gloss) Conversely, unlit windows aren't jet black, hence the grayer color choice. Both window colors should be gloss to "reflect" the nature of the transparent aluminum glass.

WARP NACELLE COILS (LONG): Copper metallic (to represent the engines off); or Lt. Ultramarine Blue (to represent the engines on).


BUSSARD COLLECTOR INTAKES: Watermelon Pink, no corresponding FS number, to represent the lit collector "windows." Add a touch of red for a slightly darker lit appearance, or start with a deep red and airbrush lighter values to simulate the lit collectors.


1: Use Orange Ochre overall, outline entire quad and thruster nozzles in Daylight Orange, and fill nozzle interiors with NATO brown.

2: Use Orange Ochre overall, outline antenna components in Daylight Orange. Slightly darker shades are used to fill some antenna panels.

  • Member since
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Posted by Prince of Styrene II on Thursday, November 9, 2006 4:09 PM

 RemcoGrob wrote:
But I'm stil not getting this aztec scheme. When I watch star trek, I never see a lot of different colors on the ships. Most of the federation ships are light grey/off white, with some blue and red lights. So where does this aztec scheme come from?

RemcoGrob, first of all, welcome to the world of sci-fi.  I've been a sci-fi builder for since the late 80's & it's most of my builds to this day.  I've built the Voyager & have another in the "half-built pile".

As for azteking, don't worry about it for Voyager.  It never had any.  Larger ships like the Enterprise-A, B & the D & E have them.  Azteking is the subtle variation of color on the ship in the (sometimes) pattern of squares & rectangles.  Check out this build of the Polar Lights E-A on this forum & scroll down to the saucer:


The first picture shows it best.  You can see three different colors of white in that shot.  Many people do it with varying testures of gloss, semi & matte.  The origonal filming mineature used a pearesant white base, then with varying shades using red & blue for tint.  It was quite a spectacular paint job.


Also, check out John P's future Enterprise-D:  See the very subtle color change?


The off white for Federation ships you're thinking of is for the classic era, Kirk's time.  By the 25th century (Picard on the E-D) the ships took on a more grey/blue tone, such as Voyager.  If you want some paneling variation, use different tones of the base color.  You can also do some weathering on the panel lines, much like you would on the panels of a plane kit.


If you have any other questions or problems, feel free to drop me a line:


Good luck!!

"Hold the weapons, Daddy. I'm going to go get my monkeys." The Dutchess of Styrene

  • Member since
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  • From: Las Vegas, NV
Posted by CaptainHawk1 on Thursday, November 9, 2006 9:24 PM
 Prince of Styrene II wrote:

 RemcoGrob wrote:
But I'm stil not getting this aztec scheme. When I watch star trek, I never see a lot of different colors on the ships. Most of the federation ships are light grey/off white, with some blue and red lights. So where does this aztec scheme come from?

RemcoGrob, first of all, welcome to the world of sci-fi.  I've been a sci-fi builder for since the late 80's & it's most of my builds to this day.  I've built the Voyager & have another in the "half-built pile".

As for azteking, don't worry about it for Voyager.  It never had any. 

Sure it did, it's just not the same as it was on most ships.

I did the work for you, so you're welcome :)




"Never's just easier to call you stupid." -Brian Griffin
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Posted by forbiddenplastic on Friday, November 10, 2006 6:02 PM
Sorry, I see some random panels highlighted by slight variations on the base color, not distinct and repeating patterns.
Model On!
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  • From: Las Vegas, NV
Posted by CaptainHawk1 on Friday, November 10, 2006 8:09 PM

 forbiddenplastic wrote:
Sorry, I see some random panels highlighted by slight variations on the base color, not distinct and repeating patterns.
Congratulations, you just defined aztecking. 

It's not random and it does repeat, but it should appear to be random based on pattern, color and lighting.

The instructions that come with the original Voyager kit actually spell out the basic aztecking for this model for you.  When I did my first one I was inexperinced and did it way too dark.

You'll probably get more help on aztecking at



"Never's just easier to call you stupid." -Brian Griffin
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Posted by Prince of Styrene II on Saturday, November 11, 2006 1:35 AM
 CaptainHawk1 wrote:
Sure it did, it's just not the same as it was on most ships.

I did the work for you, so you're welcome :)



As for what I & all the other sci-fi modelers I know think of as azteking, Voyager does not have it.  Voyager has whole panels (those boardered by the deflector grid) that are varying shades, not the intricate & subtle patterns as shown on the E-A, D, E & NX that are imbeded within those panels.  That is azteking.


Your opinion may vary.  Cool [8D]

"Hold the weapons, Daddy. I'm going to go get my monkeys." The Dutchess of Styrene

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  • From: Utereg
Posted by Borg R3-MC0 on Sunday, November 12, 2006 5:33 AM

Thanks for all the input on the aztec scheme. I think i'll keep it simple on my voyager kit and just follow the instructions (I shouldn't be to overambitious on my first SF project.)

Some wheathering, preshading etc. are things that I can do. I have experience on using those techniques on aircraft models. 

  • Member since
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  • From: Fukuoka Japan / Brisbane AUS.
Posted by Chris_in_Japan on Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:34 PM

Yeah.. Voyager doesnt have an aztec.. As has been stated.. It has a panel scheme where by certain panels are different shades..

Here is the link again to F91's build.. Still in my opinion the best Voyager I have seen.


On the bench:

                          1/48 RAAF 3 Sqn F/A-18B

                          1/150 /1/160 N Scale Japanese Rail diorama.

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  • From: Utereg
Posted by Borg R3-MC0 on Monday, November 13, 2006 2:17 AM
@ Chris: I haven't been able to view that link. All MSN pages are blocked here at the office.....Disapprove [V]

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  • From: Fukuoka Japan / Brisbane AUS.
Posted by Chris_in_Japan on Monday, November 13, 2006 2:30 AM

Here ya go mate..  A few pictures of it..


On the bench:

                          1/48 RAAF 3 Sqn F/A-18B

                          1/150 /1/160 N Scale Japanese Rail diorama.

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  • From: Boston
Posted by forbiddenplastic on Monday, November 13, 2006 11:18 PM
 CaptainHawk1 wrote:

 forbiddenplastic wrote:
Sorry, I see some random panels highlighted by slight variations on the base color, not distinct and repeating patterns.
Congratulations, you just defined aztecking. 

Noooo. I described random panels. The aztec pattern is a distinct, repeating and alternating pattern. I recall reading that the Voyager and the E-E didn't have an aztec pattern because there wasn't enough time in production to apply one. It would be interesting to see either of these ships with an aztec pattern, as it wouldn't be beyond imaging that an aztec pattern would've been applied given enough time. But it certainly wouldn't be accurate to the movie miniatures.
Model On!
  • Member since
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  • From: The House of Blues Clues
Posted by Griffworks on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 5:03 PM
 RemcoGrob wrote:

I have bought a (started) revell voyager kit. (this one ) I primaraly build aircraft so this is going to be my first Sci Fi kit.

Are there things different at building a sci fi kit as oppossed to a aircraft kit?

Does any one has tips or recommendations on building this kit?

And what up with that "aztec scheme"? Confused [%-)]

This doesn't exactly answer your question, but here's a buildup by April Welles of one of the Monogram kits that illustrates what can be done with it - April Welles' U.S.S. Voyager Buildup.



The greatest measure of a man is his children and what kind of people they are.


  • Member since
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  • From: The House of Blues Clues
Posted by Griffworks on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 5:09 PM
 forbiddenplastic wrote:
 CaptainHawk1 wrote:

 forbiddenplastic wrote:
Sorry, I see some random panels highlighted by slight variations on the base color, not distinct and repeating patterns.
Congratulations, you just defined aztecking. 

Noooo. I described random panels. The aztec pattern is a distinct, repeating and alternating pattern. I recall reading that the Voyager and the E-E didn't have an aztec pattern because there wasn't enough time in production to apply one. It would be interesting to see either of these ships with an aztec pattern, as it wouldn't be beyond imaging that an aztec pattern would've been applied given enough time. But it certainly wouldn't be accurate to the movie miniatures.

I agree w/you here.  Voyager definitely does not have an aztec pattern on the hull.  It has a recurring hull plating pattern, sure.  Not an aztec pattern, however.


The greatest measure of a man is his children and what kind of people they are.



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