For those who have not yet started the kit, it falls together with typical Bandai crispness.
I plan to replace the MG with one of the aftermarket units, or at least get a nice Adlers Nest turned barrel for it. The water can on the backside of the seat is too small (get a replacement from your spares) and you can detail the cable winch at will, and I will!
Once you get the halves together itseems flimsy, until the side foot supports and lower braces are installed, then it becomes quite rigid. Care will be needed in cleaning up the big radio antenna / rack on top (think Rommels GRIEF) as well as the front and rear "bumpers" I may replace those with stock instead, I see that getting broken as it get moved around from contest to contest.
Good, fun build so far, and only an hour or so put into it.
Build to please yourself, and don't worry about what others think!
TI 4019 Jolly Roger Squadron, 501st Legion