to my memory, two articles have been submitted.
One was roughly 20002001 ( I will have to look for the issues) on super detailing gundam models using marker pens, scribing, etc, and cleaning up parting lines. This was the largest of the two articles and used a Sandrock Custom if I remeber correctly in 1/144 scale (HG).
The previous article was during the late 80s and used Hasegawa kits ( I dont remember, but I blieve they were some of the then-avialable Macross kits) in "foriegn" markings, IIRC Isrieli vs. Soviet.
I agree that FSM has not had much (compared to tanks/planes/cars) coverage, even with the occassional well-written sci fi article, which to my memory have all focused on space based vehicles or movie related starships.
While Gundam kits (as well as others by Bandai) may LOOK like toys, and while they may have some play value for younger modelers, I do not consider them toys at all. Thier quality and ingenuity of casting, incredilbe fit and range of expensive upgrades put most Master Grade and Perfect Grade kits out of reach of most youngsters.
Currently on the bench or in paint:
MS-18K KaltWetterKempfer (Kempfer, artcic type) see my posts under MS 18 for in progress photos.
SD GP03D Dendrobium awaiting final assembly.
(and thats only the Mecha I have going.........)
Build to please yourself, and don't worry about what others think!
TI 4019 Jolly Roger Squadron, 501st Legion