MG Zaku I ver. RollOut
This originally came to me as a junk.
It was assembled using super glue in place and was missing few parts...
That was back in 2006... ^ ^;;
I've been working on this one on and off since then..
Here you can see its status after I've done few cleaning up...
And here you can see some of C-joint mods I'd done to make easier for painting...
Though I must say it was half sucess - means after all done the joints were bit too loose from constant plug in and out for the adjustment. At the end I just glue these together after painting so they won't fall off when I lift the model. -__-;;
And here are the result..
I decided this one as clean finish - it was originally going to be mounted on the trailer though that one got side tracked after I lost few of its wheels...
[The trailer was old Dagram trailer that I hold of from someone.]
Hope you enjoy.
people living in glass colonies shouldn't throw nuclear stones.