semi-final mock up is up at below link...
linkI know there aren't much differences between mine and BOOB...
So no need to point that out~ -__-;;
Below are the WIP write ups...
Part 3AkoHobby Head Vs MG HeadPart 2Part 1*sorry these are in Korea. Haven't had time to post with English description yet... Once finished I may update with English explanation but I'm sure pictures will be suffice in explanting things I've done...
Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the AkoHobby conversion kit but I'd like to make it in the style I'm more interested - which is streamlined appearance rather than bulky add-on look...
I already met few who disagree with me on this and that's perfectly ok~
After all I build kits to satisfy me, not others - unless paid to do that is...
people living in glass colonies shouldn't throw nuclear stones.