Sounds like y'all grew up under very different circumstances than I did...
My Huffy had a banana seat and ‘chopper style handlebars, and I didn't need a helmet to ride it
I could ride my Huffy anywhere, as long as I didn't cross Broad Street into the Italian neighborhood, or go north of City Hall into the black neighborhoods, and stayed out of Chinatown in Central City.
One loud bang was "backfire", three or more bangs in sequence was "gunfire"
Watching ten square blocks of north Philadelphia burn over the course of three days because police chief Williams dropped a bomb out of a helicopter onto the MOVE compound
On a snowy night, you could read outside at midnight by the light of the refinery flares
Minimum wage was $1.50, but a stolen screen door would get you $20 at the junkyard. At 14 years old, crime does pay, if you don't mind running down the street carrying a screen door
A "Lid" was not something you put on a jar, or a hat, but a very specific unit of measurement
The phrase "Dropping a Dime" made sense
The punch line "Dave's Not Here!" never failed to make a certain crowd laugh
If you wanted to buy condoms, you had to ask the pharmacist for them
Diapers were made of cloth. When soiled, you washed them, bleached them and reused them. They were held on w/ "Safety Pins"
A "Saturday Night Special" cost less than a Saturday night out
Lee Marvin, Steve McQueen and Sam Peckinpah
Everyone thought that Archie Bunker acting like a bigot was funny
Jesus was a conscientious objector, you may be thinking of Juan or Jose
The letter "Q" was not yet widely accepted as a letter of the Alphabet