Well, I was hoping for bad color correction from photo to print copy and the blacks all seemed too black anyway.
Given the history of US WWII torpedoes, it always nags at me a bit to see them in 'simplified' paint schemes. Unlike any other item of WWII "ammunition" a torpedo gets taken apart and reassembled a number of times. In addition, a large proportion of the US inventory was functionally built one-at-a-time.
To my mind, all that adds up to a great oppertunity to model up different parts in different metallic finishes, and create some visual interest. After all, if you are going to fuss with ammo belts for the 50's, it seems reasonable to expect a bit of detailing on the torpedoes.
But, that could just be me. I find "loose" items on deck (and on armor) annoying, as you just can't do that IRL. That anchor line up forward makes me look for the nearest BM to get some marline and lash it down, if not stow it properly away (mental image of taking a wave and all that cordage going right into the screws). But, those are my biases; others' differ.