kapudan_emir_effendi wrote: |
I concur with your assessment of Mr. V's work. I also visit Modelshipgallery often and have printed many pictures of his work to use for when I get to some of my kits that he has already built. I think he does excellent work.
I realize my ships will likely never be as good as his, unless I get a huge transplant of "serious patience." But, I enjoy the hobby and learn from each kit and I beg, borrow, and steal ideas from those here on the board, photos of builds such as Peter's, and magazines such as Finescale.
My wife is a quilter and after attending a quilt show where there was speaker to give a talk about, yes you guessed it, quilting, the speaker said something along the lines of "Yes, you will find a mistake in everyone of my quilts. Only God is perfect. I'm only human."
But, I do agree, dang, his are so good and mine are so, ummmm, so, ummmm, okay.