LINKI'm not sure if I've posted a link to my webpage on this forum before - It's a collection of in-box reviews of plastic ship kits, mostly focused on larger scales and on older, less well-known kits (rather than new releases, which are already well covered by sites like Both sail and powered ships are covered (including quite a few kits discussed on this forum, such as Heller's
Soleil Royal).
I first uploaded the site well over a year ago; I've been working on the current version over the last couple of months. All the older reviews have new text and more, higher quality photos (including detail close-ups), and I've added about a dozen new reviews.
I'm currently working on another revised version which will have a much better layout (using HTML "frames" and seperate pages for each kit manufacturer, with a brief history and description), and I will be adding more reviews in the near future as well. I have quite a few kits in my stash still to add, including (of interest to sailing ship modellers) Lindberg/Pyro's
La Flore and
Wappen von Hamburg, Heller's
Le Superbe, and most of Airfix's range. Also, I plan to add a small file library which will include a much revised version of my old "sailing ship kit list" database.
Anyway, I hope my webpage will be a useful resource for ship modellers!