If it's something small and flat that is never going to have any tension, stress, fingers, wild animals, etc., touch it, then plain old white glue, Gator Glue or one of the craft glues will do just fine. And if you decide later you want that firehose rack a smidge to the left, say, just pop it off and reglue.
For railings, yardarms, crane booms, or any other PE bits that you have to fold or otherwise fondle in some way, CA (Superglue) is the only way to go. Some of the gel type CAs give you up to a minute to position something, which is plenty of time to plop a section of railing in position, hold it at arm's length for the critical assessment, think Ahhhhhhh !, pluck off with the tweezers, reglue and reposition (repeating as necessary).